To be able to learn from each other’s experiences, we hosted a thematic lecture and brainstorming session on biodiversity conservation in private forests.
Participants heard highly useful updates regarding the new Multiannual work programme for the implementation of the LIFE Programme. The projects also used the possibility to clarify their technical and/or financial issues with the CINEA Project Advisor Sylvia Barova and ELMEN financial monitor Veronika Krecek-Ticha, as well as with other ELMEN representatives.
A degustation was organized under guidance of New Chefs’ Movement (Jauno pavāru kustība), led by Kristaps Sīlis. This was a very special degustation where each meal included products with LatViaNature recently developed label Grassland Product.
Short excursions on the second day of the meeting allowed participants to see different activities in and around Riga. A journey through the Daugava River history and ecosystems allowed participants to learn experts’ insights into the protected river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis and its conservation objectives. An excursion to the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia showed the first results of the experiment on how to restore semi-natural grassland. We also visited two plant expositions – Morphological and Biological Beds and Medicinal Plants, where a hundred years of history has been re-created and will now continue to educate people for another hundred years. Another excursion to the Nature Park Ragakāpa shared an inspiring example about the involvement of local residence and an international school coming together to achieve a common goal – to eradicate the invasive species dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier spicata.
LIFE Movie Night showcased the most relevant, interesting, and useful videos produced by LIFE projects.
The final events were full day trips to Western and Eastern Latvia, demonstrating the experiences of farmers committed to nature friendly management of their lands with the aim to enhance biodiversity. These field trips will forever warm the participants` hearts with memories of welcoming local farmers, glimpses of wild nature (the fox, the cranes, the swans, the horses, and many more), and even a challenge of overcoming obstacles – such as a stuck bus – all with a smile. Until next year, when new impressions and moments to cherish await at the next NBLPM, organized by Swedish LIFE projects.