Educational materials

Letters by plant species listed in the EU Habitats Directive

The publication “Letters by plant species listed in the EU Habitats Directive” introduces the plant species found in Latvia that are included in Annexes II, IV, and V of the EU Habitats Directive and are rare and protected throughout Europe.

In the publication, LatViaNature nature expert Linda Uzule presents an in-depth look at these plants through personal plant letters!

Read the letters HERE>>>

Stories of Old Polypore Mushroom

The series of 10 short films “Stories of Old Polypore Mushroom”, created within the LatViaNature project of the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, is about biologically valuable forests and their interconnected web of life. The stories are based on scientific data and knowledge of nature experts, but in the voice of the wise Polypore Mushroom will be understandable to everyone.

Watch the Stories of Old Polypore Mushroom HERE>>>


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