
Start of the project

PHASE 1 August 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022

09. February, 2022
Description of IAS early detection and rapid eradication system
30. December, 2022
An overview of the legal framework and financial instruments of the compensation system
Overview report on the current situation and expected trends with regard to grassland products
Monitoring methods for eradiction of invasive alien species developed and the initial conditions in the pilot sites fixed (report)
Report on the implementation of the small grant program for invasive species (1st Part)

PHASE 2 January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024

30. January, 2023
The 2nd small grant contest for combating invasive species has been announced
05. May, 2023
Methodology and documentation for integration of remote sensing int the National Nature Data Management system
30. May, 2023
Basic-level monitoring methods for grassland and forest habitats
31. May, 2023
Agreements with forest and grassland owners to test the effectiveness of a voluntary approach to preserving natural values on private land
30. June, 2023
Meadow product brand strategy has been developed
30. November, 2023
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 2nd monitoring report
01. December, 2023
Expert-level monitoring method for grassland habitats
06. December, 2023
The basic monitoring method of management of forest habitats
30. December, 2023
Objectives for the protection of habitats of EU importance have been set
Report Legal analysis of the current protection regimes (protection categories) in Latvia
31. December, 2023
Expert-level monitoring method for forest habitats
30. June, 2024
The conservation objectives of the species covered by the Habitats Directive
30. November, 2024
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 3rd monitoring report
30. December, 2024
Scientific evidence for the improvement of the Natura 2000 network have been prepared
Summary of the results (report) of the current protection regimes including spatial data and descriptive information
31. December, 2024
Management plans for two invasive species

PHASE 3 January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026

30. June, 2025
A second public survey on nature protection issues
According to the improved system
Alternative proposals for the improvement of the compensation system
30. September, 2025
The 1st international conference
30. November, 2025
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 4th monitoring report
30. December, 2025
National level habitat protection plans for 59 habitat types
Proposals for regulatory enactments for a modern nature protection plan development system
31. December, 2025
A small grant program for new methods of eradicating invasive species has been introduced and analyzed
Management of disturbance-dependent coniferous forest habitats in pilot areas
A survey on the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in long-term nature protection
31. July, 2026
The approach of voluntary involvement in the preservation of natural values in private forests and grasslands has been tested
30. November, 2026
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 5th monitoring report
31. December, 2026
Proposals for Rural development program 2028+
Report on monitoring results of efficiency of supporting and motivating mechanisms in private forests and grasslands

PHASE 4 January 1, 2027 – December 31, 2028

30. June, 2027
The 2nd international conference
30. September, 2027
Prepared the project of Priority Action Framework (PAF) 2028+
30. November, 2027
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 6th monitoring report
01. December, 2027
Basic-level and expert-level monitoring method for grassland and forest habitats
30. December, 2027
Guidelines for the eradication of five invasive species based on project experience
The effectiveness of five methods of eradicating invasive plant species has been summarized and evaluated
31. December, 2027
Proposals for new effective compensation system
Strategy for the integration of voluntary mechanisms into the biodiversity conservation system of Latvia
Monitoring method for assessing the effectiveness of forest habitat restoration and management
31. January, 2028
Experience of forest management demonstrations in private farms has been evaluated
30. November, 2028
Project closing conference
Final report on the socio-economic impact of the Project
A third public survey on nature protection issues
30. December, 2028
Layman’s report
Consolidated Report on complementary funding
After-LIFE Plan
End of the project


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