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About the project

LIFE Integrated Project: Optimising the Governance and Management of the Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network in Latvia LIFE19 IPE/LV/000010

The project will improve the nature protection management system in Latvia in order to ensure favourable conservation status of protected species and habitats. During the project, it is planned to develop innovative and appropriate approaches to solving identified issues and to ensure implemention of the Prioritised Action Framework (PAF) for Natura 2000 in Latvia.

The project has selected three pilot themes for main actions – protected grasslands of EU importance, protected forests of EU importance and restriction of invasive or alien species. In turn, to support consistent nature conservation on private lands, the project will develop specific motivating mechanisms, including an effective compensation model at the national level.

The planned activities will allow to create a clear and reasonable nature protection system that balances the interests of both preservation of nature values and economic development, is understandable to everyone and will serve not only current but also future generations.


1 August, 2020 – 31 December, 2028


0 milj. €
0 %
EU contribution
by Europe Union LIFE Programme
0 %
National funding
by Latvian Environmental Protection Fund of the State Regional Development Agency and the project partners’ funding
Additional funding in total of 114,340,087 EUR from various sources (incl. Cohesion Fund, European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Norwegian Financial Instrument, Horizon 2020, etc.) will be attracted to achieve the project objectives over the next eight years.
* – LIFE-IP LatViaNature is an Integrated Project of the EU LIFE Programme, the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate actions in the European Union. Integrated projects are characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, a long-term vision, a wide range of partners involved and a wide geographical coverage. The main goal of an integrated project is the full implementation of the specific strategy or action plan, involving the sectors and stakeholders relevant to the project goal. Their implementation requires the attraction of additional funding (from other European Union financial instruments, sources of public or private funding).


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Scientific institutions/Universities

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