Over the past 30 years, with the support of the LIFE programme, more than 50 environmental, nature and climate projects have been implemented in Latvia. The biggest contribution of these projects is clearly their contribution to the environment, nature and mitigating climate change, but we cannot fail to mention the economic contribution of the projects as well – an average of 33% of the total costs of each project is paid in taxes to the state budget.
Behind every project idea and submitted LIFE project proposal, there is a team of motivated professionals. In celebration of the anniversary, Latvian LIFE project implementers will organise various activities and events, in which we invite everyone to participate. Three out of five activities in Latvia will be organised by the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project.

Learn more about the events and activities dedicated to the anniversary: https://www.lifeis30.eu/actions/
The LIFE program has helped to preserve more than 1,800 species of wild animals and plants, invested more than 1 billion euros in improving the environment, and contributed to the prevention of climate change. However, this is only the beginning – the European Commission has increased the LIFE budget by almost 60%, and it reaches 5.4 billion euros in the current period (2021 – 2027).
On May 17, 2022, the new call for the LIFE program was announced, giving municipalities, companies, and other organizations the opportunity to submit their project ideas. This year, 598 million euros are available for nature, environment, climate, and clean energy projects. Considering that the world is currently experiencing climate and biodiversity loss crises of an unprecedented scale, the LIFE program provides an opportunity to draw inspiration and improve the current situation by investing in the future. We invite potential project applicants to take advantage of the opportunity and apply to implement their environmental, nature and climate project ideas. Also, we invite everyone who is part of the LIFE community to celebrate the anniversary of the program and all its achievements both in Latvia and globally.