The first small grant call to restrict spreading invasive species announced

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To test new, possibly effective methods for restricting spreading alien invasive species in Latvia, the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (LRATC), in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) and Daugavpils University, announced a call for applications for the small grant competition, to be submitted by March 18.

The competition is organised within the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project. In total, two calls for small grant competitions for a total funding of 50,000 EUR will be announced.

Individuals and legal entities, associations and municipalities who want to try restricting invasive species on their property can apply for the funding. Applicants are invited to submit their ideas of innovative, self-invented, unused, or little-used methods that would help to restrict spreading invasive species in Latvia.

“Invasive species are not only a significant threat to biodiversity, but also cause significant economic losses. Within the framework of the small grants program, its participants will have the opportunity to not only receive financial support for the fight against invasive species, but also consult with experienced experts during the planning and implementation of the activities”, says Jēkabs Dzenis, LatViaNature project expert of the NCA.

The call gives priority for combating 6 invasive species – Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera, dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier spicata, Canadian goldenrod Solidago canadensis, Manitoba maple Acer negundo, Japanese rose Rosa rugosa, and Spanish slug Arion vulgaris; however, not limited to those. You can get acquainted with invasive alien species in Latvia on the website “Invazīvo sugu pārvaldnieks” (Invasive Species Manager).


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