Five projects have been approved to restrict invasive species

Mazo grantu konkruss, LatViaNature
In the first project call "Small grant scheme for the management of invasive species", five projects have been approved for eliminating invasive species Canadian goldenrod and Spanish slug. The call was organised by the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (LRATC) in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Agency (NCA) and Daugavpils University within the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project.
  1. Sigulda County Municipality has built a public composting area and plans to start accepting green waste from gardens and parks this year. The aim of the project is to ensure that the compost obtained on the site is free of Spanish slugs and their eggs. The project will end on May 1, 2024.
  2. A mobile herd of ducks will fight the Spanish slug in Sigulda County: the project beneficiary has signed contracts with both private individuals and Sigulda Municipality for the placement of a mobile herd of ducks on their plots of land, as well as safe enclosures for the ducks, food, and water in sufficient quantity. After the agreed term expires, the ducks with all related equipment will be moved to another piece of land. The project will end on November 1, 2023.
  3. With active, aggressive actions, the landowner plans to eliminate or maximally limit the Canadian goldenrod plantation at Salaspils Town in two years, so that a commercial fruit garden can be developed there. The project will end on May 31, 2024.
  4. As part of the project, three neighbouring landowners in Jūrmala City are going to cooperate to reduce the invasion of Spanish slugs from the nearby natural meadow and completely exterminate them on their plots. The project will end on October 1, 2022.
  5. Eradication of Spanish slugs in the grove between private houses where they breed and infest gardens will be tested in Dorupe Village by combining several methods. Neighbours will also be involved to participate for better results. The project will end on September 30, 2023.

This is the first small grant call for restriction of invasive species. In general, two tenders for small grant projects with a total funding of 50,000 EUR are planned during the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project. In the first call, the funding of EUR 20,000 was available, with up to 5,000 EUR per project.


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