Sarkanausu bruņurupucis Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) pārvaldības pasākumu plāns
Management plan of Impatiens glandulifera Royle eradication of Latvia
Precizētie Natura 2000 teritoriju izveides mērķi grozījumos likumā “Par īpaši aizsargājamām dabas teritorijām”
Valsts līmeņa biotopu aizsardzības mērķi (FRV)
Natura 2000 teritoriju līmeņa biotopu aizsardzības mērķi (CO)
The basic monitoring method of management of forest habitats
Report on potential funding sources for the implementation of site management plans
Annual project socio-economic assessment reports: 3rd monitoring report
Scientific evidence for the improvement of the Natura 2000 network have been prepared
Summary of the results (report) of the current protection regimes including spatial data and descriptive information
Management plans for two invasive species
Methodology and documentation for integration of remote sensing int the National Nature Data Management system