Announcing a call for grants on innovative methods for limiting invasive species

From January 30 to February 17, the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Agency and Daugavpils University invites to apply ideas for the second small grant call on invasive species management to find new and effective methods for the eradicating and limiting invasive species. The call is organised by the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project with a total funding of EUR 30,000.

The aim of the call is to help any interested party to test little-used, innovative, nature-friendly and cost-effective methods of limiting invasive species in Latvia by ensuring financial and consulting support. The call shall improve landowners’ know-how on invasive species and their control, as well as draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the new methods and transfer the obtained experience to other Latvian landowners in future.

“Invasive species are one of the major threats to biodiversity and also cause significant direct or indirect economic losses. At the same time, limiting the spread of these species is often expensive and time-consuming, and also impossible without the cooperation among landowners, managers, nature experts and the wider public,” says Jēkabs Dzenis, expert of the LIFE-IP LatViaNature project of the Nature Conservation Agency.

Natural persons and legal entities, as well as cooperation groups (including municipalities) who’d like to test eradicating and limiting invasive species on own or managed property can apply for the small grants call. Applicants are invited to submit ideas for own previously not applied or rarely in Latvia used methods.

The funding for the implementation of one project is from 1,000 to 5,000 EUR, with a possible 100% support. In case of approval, the project must be implemented within two years after signing the contract.

The call will be organised in two stages. Applicants have to submit the application with the project idea by February 17. The applicants nominated for the second stage have to submit a complete project application by March 17. Then, the commission of the call will evaluate the received applications. Concluding the financing agreements is planned until March 31.

The call will prioritise limiting five invasive species – Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera, dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier spicata, Canadian goldenrod Solidago canadensis, Manitoba maple Acer negundo and Japanese rose Rosa rugosa. However, ideas for limiting other invasive species also could be submitted and receive funding. You can get acquainted with invasive alien species of Latvia on the website “Invasive Species Manager”. As regards the areas under the call, the priority will be given to watercourses and waterbodies and their banks and shores, as well as specially protected nature areas and the territories ecologically related to them.

“I invite landowners, legal entities and cooperation groups to be creative in the search for innovative solutions that could be successfully applied to eradicate and limit the spread of invasive species both in own properties and in other areas throughout Latvia! The project call provides an opportunity to receive financial support, necessary information, including consultations and other types of support both from experts and the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre, so that the supported ideas can be successfully implemented,” says LIFE-IP LatViaNature project expert Evita Jaņeviča, also Project Manager at the Environmental Division of the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre.

The rules of the competition, application forms and other documents (in Latvian) can be found here >>>

Infographic about the call (in Latvian) >>>


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